Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Epic FAIL. Zeta Squad Lives! [Update]
The epic release of Gears of War 3's epic "Raam's Shadow" DLC is having some epic technical issues for it's epic Season Pass owners. I (being one of them) am a little disappointed. As soon as you start the game, it prompts you to go download the epic new content as with previous DLC. Instead of it being free, it's 1200 MS points. Make sure you don't accidently download it! It's probably what Microsoft wants because we all like free money! and that's EPIC!!!! I will update if anything changes!
[Update] Problem corrected!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Bastion Fun Never Ends
Bastion was one of my favorite XBLA titles this year. Besides the story and the gameplay, this game was blessed by having an amazing narrator. His work didn't stop at Bastion though!
Monday, November 14, 2011
I haven't in about two months but I'm still here. I've been busy with some awesome stuff that I can't reveal just yet, but during my hiatus I just realized something...

I need to get back to finishing Resonance of Fate.

I need to get back to finishing Resonance of Fate.
End of Eternity,
Hatsune Miku,
Project Diva,
Resonance of Fate,
Xbox 360
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena Trailer
Arc System Works,
persona 4,
Xbox 360
Monday, September 5, 2011
Ni no Kuni: The Queen of White Sacred Ash Trailer
If this game does not get released in the states (like the DS title), I'm going to be extremely pissed and do something really evil. What's evil you ask? Leaving breadends in the bag for the next person! >:)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Short and Sweet
Gouken's ultra needs a replacement.
Street Fighter,
Super Street Fighter
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Super Mario Ukulele
Enjoy this goddamnit!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Borderlands 2 Teaser!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Someone Turn This Into a Video Game
Destorm releases alot of awesome videos almost every week. If you're not following this guy you need to! Especially if you like video games, music, or just fun stuff period. Subscribe to his Youtube channel, like the Facebook page, and also follow him on Twitter!
Max Anarchy Characters Are Getting More Ridiculous
Meet uh, Durga, a half-man, half-robot, half-cat, whose weapon is a "revolver cannon". That's 10 playable characters if you count the crocodile monster.
max anarchy,
Platinum Games,
Xbox 360
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Might I Actually Like This One?
So the cover art for the next Dragonball Z Tenkaichi game was recently revealed.

When Budokai 3 came out, I honestly thought along with most people that it was the best DBZ fighter around. Then Tenkaichi came around. Although it was different I still always found myself going back to Budokai 3. I even preferred Super DBZ over Tenkaichi. If you haven't played Super DBZ on PS2, I recommend picking it up if you're a DBZ fan. It has great gameplay and you can actually customize the character's attacks and appearance. But back to my gripe. Over the past few years, it seems as if more attention has been going towards Tenkaichi-style games rather than Budokai. If anything, Budokai fans were let by Dragonball Z Burst Limit. While the game looked good, it had annoying mechanics. Drama pieces, laggy online, and Vegeta's abusive Final Flash. It's been 3 years and there hasn't been a mention of any sequel. So now I feel like I'm being trolled by these Tenkaichi games. I played Raging Blast and got bored with it quickly. The terrible camera didn't help either. I never gave the sequel a chance besides the demo. I would've actually bought the game until they mentioned that there were no GT characters in this game. It's like paying more for less. Dragonball Z Tenkaichi 3 featured 161 characters and that included GT characters. Why weren't they in Raging Blast 2? One of the game's creators mentioned that they didn't feel the need to feature the GT Saga. I'm not going to shell out a full 60 on something that could've easily been added to this game. All of this can be forgiven though if Dragonball Z ULTIMATE Tenkaichi lives up to it's name. I'm hoping that every character that could possible throw a punch and send someone through a mountain is in this game. I've liked what I've seen so far of the game. I wonder if character creation will really be a feature as well. Also, it seems that when Goku is on the cover by himself, the game is usually good.
Hatsune Miku Project Diva Extend Commercial
Here's a brief (and I mean brief) taste of what you'll be getting into with the latest Miku game on the PSP. The game, originally titled Project Diva 2.5, will feature new songs as well as new modules (costumes). Compatibility to Dreamy Theater 2nd has yet to be mentioned. Project Diva Extend will be out on November 10 this year.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Black Rock Shooter: The Game Twitter Icons Available
To help get ready for the upcoming PSP release of Black Rock Shooter, Imageepoch has released these adorable little Twitter icons to help get you ready and help promote the awesomeness that is Black Rock Shooter. You can download them here! There's 8 of them total!
Black Rock Shooter,
Black Rock Shooter: The Game,
Japanese Naruto Ultimate Ninja Impact Demo Released
You can download it from the official site here. You have to have the latest firmware to enjoy it. It's a time attack campaign trial. You'll be able to enjoy some of the Pain Arc. Also, the demo features co-op play. See if you can beat Piroshi's time!
Namco Bandai,
Naruto Shippuden,
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
MJ and His Super Friends
2K Sports,
nba nk12,
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
My Favorite Moments of EVO
Alot of crazy shit happened at EVO this year, the biggest fighting game tournament in the world. Besides 8-year old Noah destroying a good bit of the competition, two moments made me jump out of my seat.
PR Balrog vs. Viscant
Daigo Umehara vs. Poongko
Daigo Umehara vs. Poongko
Monday, August 1, 2011
Randy Moss Retires
The original cover star of the NFL2K series is calling it quits. The worst part about it for 2K fans? We never got to use him again after 2K5. Thanks for the memories Randy!
This might be the end of Randy's career, but 2K Sports isn't going anywhere. We've already been given the ultimate basketball sim. Just a few more years and real simulated gridiron will return to it's true glory.
2K Sports,
EA Sports,
randy moss
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hype Killer
When the first screens came out for this game most people were like eww and wtf. I was too. But you really can't judge this game without seeing a little gameplay........
Project Diva Dreamy Theater 2nd Trailer
Hatsune Miku,
Project Diva,
Monday, July 25, 2011
Project Diva Dreamy Theater 2nd Release Date
We so excited! Or rather I am. I just figured out how to edit songs on the PSP titles and transfer them to the first Dreamy Theater so it's more rewarding. Sega is delivering the game on August 4th for ¥3,900. A little more expensive than the first (¥3000), but I can live with that thanks to the added features. Dreamy theater the 2nd is touting the gameplay tweaks that came along with Project Diva 2nd such as the double notes and held notes. Also, Dreamy Theater 2nd will have 3D support which is awesome for people who have 3D TVs and pointless for people like me (I dont think 3D technology has fully been grasped in the States). Last but not least, if you've downloaded an DLC costumes, they'll appear in the game as well.
Monday, July 4, 2011
After Three Years, Final Fantasy FINALLY Makes Its Way to Little Big Planet
It's not just Sephiroth either. Cloud, Tifa, Aerith and Vincent are joining this party! (Where's everyone else?!) They're all being brought together in the Final Fantasy VII costume pack. Only July 13th, for $5.99, you can grab them all with Vincent as a bonus or purchase them separate for $1.99 minus Vincent.
Also, coming to LBP2 this week is another dose of Infamous DLC containing the new Good Cole/Bad Cole and new stickers which can be purchased for $2.99.
On July 20th, a Killzone 3 mini-pack will be released containing the Rico and Hazmat Trooper costumes for $2.99. And last but not least, the Toy Story 3 DLC announced at E3 will be coming soon. If this is going to be the last of Media Molecole's work on the LBP series, they're going out with a bang.
New LittleBigPlanet 2 Packs Coming Soon: inFAMOUS 2, Toy Story, and FINAL FANTASY VII! [Playstation Blog]
Final Fantasy,
Little Big Planet 2,
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
A Movie About Video Games That's Actually Worth Seeing
Here's a summary from the official site:
Indie Game: The Movie is a feature documentary about video games, their creators and the craft. The film follows the dramatic journeys of indie game developers as they create their games, and as they release those works, and themselves, to the world.
Indie Game: The Movie is about making video games, but at its core, it’s about the creative process and exposing yourself through your work.
The film tells the emotional story of a two-man team, Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes, as they craft and release their first major game for XBOX, "Super Meat Boy". It follows Phil Fish, the creator of the highly- anticipated game, "Fez", as he shows it for the first time in 4 years at the giant gaming expo, PAX EAST. And, the film tells behind-the-scenes story an independent designer, Jonathan Blow, who made one of highest-rated video games of all-time, "Braid".
Four developers, three games, and one ultimate goal - to express one’s self through a video game.
Video Games,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live Marketplace
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saint Seiya Headed to PS3

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation Revealed
Naruto games are getting just as consistent as the other fighters that are out there! This new game features characters new and OLD. Like Pre-time skip old. I'm excited to Darui joining the cast. C? No. But also making their return are Zabuza and Haku. We haven't seen them since the PS2 Ulitmate Ninja games. I hope this game makes some huge improvements from the last besides new characters. BALANCING.
scan credit goes to des of course!
scan credit goes to des of course!
A Message to EA Games
Christian Wright Approved.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
What is Bleach: Soul Resurreccion's Online Content?
It's not online multiplayer. It's not DLC (costumes, characters, etc.). It's not Rukia staying in your closet. It's anime. Three whole episodes of Bleach!!!!
Yeah. I know... This is according to Gamestop though and it's also not an exclusive. If anything, I hope we can choose which episodes we want, but I bet it's only the first three. I wouldn't give up hope on DLC yet though. You never know.
Yeah. I know... This is according to Gamestop though and it's also not an exclusive. If anything, I hope we can choose which episodes we want, but I bet it's only the first three. I wouldn't give up hope on DLC yet though. You never know.
Bleach: Soul Ignition,
Bleach: Soul Resurrección,
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Hatsune Miku Has Found a Home in the U.S.
Best News of the Week (at least for me)
Black Rock Shooter: The Game's opening video was released recently. I'm not a big fan of developers releasing opening videos way before the game's release but I'm a huge BRS fan and the temptation was too grand.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Another Horseman Rides!
darksiders II,
Xbox 360
Saturday, May 28, 2011
New Gears of War 3 Campaign Trailer
Two things about this trailer. 1. Wasn't as "EPIC" as I thought it was going to be. 2. War Pigs?
Epic Games,
Gears of War 3,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Another New Anarchy Reigns Character
For this game to just get delayed, I'm tired of all the cock-teasing. This chracter looks pretty badass too
Anarchy Reigns,
Platinum Games,
Xbox 360
Friday, May 20, 2011
Gears of War 3 Teaser
Why ya gotta do this Epic?! I cannot wait to finish this story nor see the full trailer on the 28th!
Epic Games,
Gears of War 3,
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
New Bleach: Soul Ignition Character Art
The character models look fine but I'm more interested in the environment they'll be battling on. I know alot of people complained about the bland environment in the demo. Also, some anime-based games, so much work is put into the character models and gameplay, that the environment itself is left looking as welcoming as a sheet of notebook paper (DBZ). Check out the official site for more info!
We Shall Have Bleach: Soul Ignition...but
It's going to be called Bleach: Soul Resurrección. And guess who's bring it over here? NIS America. They are slowly but surely becoming my favorite publisher. The fact that they are bring this over is great news itself. But even better is the fact that we get the option of choosing the Japanese voices. Johnny Yong Bosch is an awesome person, but I can't bare to hear his voice anymore. (Nolan North too) They are in nearly every form of media I recently purchased. Whether it be a main character of Random Guy B, they're in there somewhere. Anyways, visit the official site here!
Bleach: Soul Resurrección,
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Modern Warfare 3 Teasers...
reveal absolutely nothing, BUT there's one for each country involved in the game's plot. I don't feel like posting all of them because they are all similar. Also, just add a 3 wherever an E is. AM3RICA, FRANC3, G3RMANY, 3NGLAND. I'm so tired of the E to 3 swap. MW3 is taking it too far. I don't mind it in F3AR's case but c'mon. 3NGLAND? It looks silly! In other news, I STILL haven't played Black Ops.
Call of Duty,
Infinity Ward,
Xbox 360
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Tekken: Blood Vengeance Trailer
Looks like Namco is taking the Advent Children route. The movie looks like it'll actually be pretty good too. The sad part is that they waited until a crap live action movie was made. But wow. Jin throws the hell out of Kazuya! Why can't I throw people like that in the game?!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Hatsune Miku has somewhat invaded the U.S. if this commercial is actually airing on TV. Miku should be getting her English voice soon so maybe there's hope that the Project Diva games might actually come out over here!
Also, the shorter the better because the long version of this commercial is pretty darn bad.
Also, the shorter the better because the long version of this commercial is pretty darn bad.
Hatsune Miku,
Project Diva,
Monday, May 2, 2011
I Will Finally Lose My Virginity
Good job on being trolled. Besides that Atlus is being kind enough to give us what Japan received + more in the "Love is Over" deluxe package. At $79.99 you'll receive:
- Vincent’s boxer shorts (above)
- Empty Hearts t-shirt that Catherine wears in the game
- Catherine pillowcase
- the game for either PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 stuffed inside a Stray Sheep pizza box
- CD with eleven tracks from the game remixed by Shoji Meguro
- a 36-page art book
Reserved standard copies will contain only the CD and the artbook for 59.99. Our date with Catherine is July 26.
Atlus Japan,
Xbox 360
Thursday, April 28, 2011
New Sexy Tomb Raider Art
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